We are passionate at Eyes of Howick about reducing risk of myopic onset or progression, especially during childhood. What is myopia? Short sight is where the eyeball is too long or too powerful, resulting in blurred distance vision but clear near vision within a certain range. What is all the fuss? Once you become myopic, it tends to worsen over time. The younger the onset, the faster the progression and the higher the risk of reaching high levels of myopia. High myopia is associated with increased risk of eye disease such as glaucoma, retinal detachment, cataract and maculopathy.
Rate your child’s risk based on the following factors;
What can you do to help?
· Enjoy the outdoors each day while still being mindful of sun protection
· Give the eyes a break from close work and vary your visual tasks throughout the day
· Limit near tasks ( after school) to 2 hours per day
· If your child is already myopic, talk to us about MYOPIA CONTROL