With the speed that time flies, our 20th anniversary of being Howick business owners almost passed us by unnoticed. But as I sit down on this rare blue sky Sunday morning, I thought it an opportune time to reflect and be grateful.
My gratitude must first go to who was my yet- to- be husband, Bruce- 20 years ago, you took a leap of faith in me and my enthusiasm of operating my own Optometry practice and invested your hard earned deposit into what is now known as Eyes of Howick- a true commitment which was well before talk of weddings, children, puppies and even home ownership! Thank you for your unwavering support but also your guidance and ability to see things in a worldly yet creative light- Bruce your brilliance shines so bright.
I consider Eyes of Howick to be my second home with the team within it being as a family. My philosophy on what makes a successful workplace includes creating an environment that supports continual learning, positivity and humour! When I go to work I am fortunate to be surrounding by a fantastic group of people; which includes both my dedicated Optometry and Optical Dispensing team. You are all so different, yet all manage to shed your own flavour of magic to create a workplace and business culture that I am proud of. A big thank you team, for playing a significant part in Eyes of Howick’s excellence. We have stood the test of time throughout the rollercoaster of our lives!
And last but certainly not least, thank you to all of our wonderful clients- whose support over the years has enabled this local business to flourish. I am proud of what Eyes of Howick has become and how we serve you, our community. We will continually strive to find new ways we can ensure your vision of your world is the best it can be. Without you all, there would be no Eyes of Howick. Bruce my life and business partner, the Eyes of Howick Superstar-team and our precious clients. Thank you.